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Log in to the system
UpdatedMay 22, 2023
- You can log in to the processing system from PC, Mac or all handheld devices with internet access
- Enter the address in the address field of the browser
- The system works best on the main browsers, like Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Safari from Apple.
- Fill in user name and password that you have been given
- Press “Log in”
Quick Start
The App
The Processing Tool
- Conduct a General Risk Assessments for Opportunities and Treats
- Create and complete a Safe Job Analysis
- Create notifications using the Info Centre
- Fill out a checklist
- Log in to the system
- Process quick reports
- Produce controlled documents via the Document Centre
- Read controlled documents
- Register a quick report
- Search in Quick-Reports and making graphs
- Use the electronic crew list
- Using the Planner for making HSEQ Plans
- What the buttons/icons mean
HSEQ Editor