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Managing users in HSEQ Reports
UpdatedMay 22, 2023
- When logged in to the system you can control parts of the content that is shown in the app and case management system
- It is only the system administrator who can do this
- The first screen you will see is “Status Quo”. This shows status for the company on essential parts of HSE- and QA reporting.
- This depends on your user rights in the system. If you have “less” rights you will only see a button for registering a new report or only table overview with all reports
- On the left side of the screen you will see the main menu – click on “HSEQ Editor”
- You will now enter the main screen for the editor that shows the overview of all quick reports and checklists that are available. The menu for controlling auto-email and users are also shown
- Click on “Admin”
- Choose “Control users”
- All customers are defined with pre-defined common users / groups that can be applied if individual users are not defined
- Press “New user” to create a new, individual user account
- Enter the desired details about the user
- Note that defined usernames cannot be changed later
- See details about the different types further down
- Save when done
- Individual users will use the same credentials both in web-system and app.
- Edit and delete of users is done directly from the main screen for user control. Click on the action buttons to do the desired action
- Changing passwords on the different accounts can be done from here
Access / rights Role Admin (all rights) Admin (cannot be created) Case worker (everything except delete) Editor Case worker + settings Editor+ Case worker, cannot change reg.part Editor (edit bottom section) Case worker, cannot close report Dealer Only create and edit report User As user, but see details User + read - When logged in to the system you can control parts of the content that is shown in the app and case management system
Quick Start
The App
The Processing Tool
- Conduct a General Risk Assessments for Opportunities and Treats
- Create and complete a Safe Job Analysis
- Create notifications using the Info Centre
- Fill out a checklist
- Log in to the system
- Process quick reports
- Produce controlled documents via the Document Centre
- Read controlled documents
- Register a quick report
- Search in Quick-Reports and making graphs
- Use the electronic crew list
- Using the Planner for making HSEQ Plans
- What the buttons/icons mean
HSEQ Editor